Semester: Spring
Lectures/Classes: 0 / 30 hours
Field of study: Veterinary Medicine
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: Obligatory course, required passed exams: breeding and animal nutrition, biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy, pathology, pharmacology, parasitology, veterinary toxicology.
Contact person: Andrzej Gaweł andrzej.gawel@upwr.edu.pl
Short description: The aim of the course is to provide students with basic knowledge on: modern technology breeding for different species of birds, clinical and post-mortem examination different species of birds, analyses and interpretations results of the laboratory tests (serological and microbiological).
Full description: Clinical diagnostics and necropsy of different species of birds (poultry, ornamental birds, pigeons). Microbiological and serological diagnostics methods of poultry infections. Workshops on poultry farms. Classes in the Department of Poultry Breeding.
Bibliography: 1. Altman R.B., Clubb S.L., Dorrestein G., Quesenbery K: Avian Medicine and Surgery, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo 1997. 3. Patison M. i wsp.: Poultry diseases , Elsevier Urban & Partner, 2011 4. Saif Y.M. i wsp.: Diseases of poultry, Iowa State Press, 2003
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: - student identifies of poultry breeding and raising by oneself, presents and discusses the feeding and enclosure of ornamental birds and pigeons - student suggests diagnostic methods, recommends therapy, immunoprophilaxis and solutions of the problems in a flocks and on the farms Skills: - student performs clinical and post-mortem examination different species of birds by oneself, administers drugs and vaccines. - student takes and fixes samples for microbiological, serological and histopathological examination - student analyses and interpretes results of the tests - student cooperates with producers of poultry in prophylaxis on a farms and with veterinary supervision in control of poultry disease Social competences: - student has the responsibility for the decisions to the people and animals - student places the good of patient in the first place
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Avian Diseases – Clinical Internship: 50% of practical skills + 50% of frequency during the classes ---> credit. Final assessment: 70% exam +15% laboratory classes +15% clinical classes observation of student's work, active participation - 100%

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